Ready for bowel prep?

Clenpiq is ready for you from start to finish.

How to Save on CLENPIQ


CLENPIQ has the lowest volume of active medication to prepare you for colonoscopy, as compared to other bowel preps1-5*

Supplied in two 5.8-oz, ready-to-drink bottles1*

*Additional clear liquids are required for hydration.1-5

Prepare with Clenpiq

Prepping for colonoscopy is important. Watch this video to learn how to properly prep with CLENPIQ.

Watch the Video

Early detection can make a big difference

There is a



5-year survival rate for people diagnosed early with colorectal cancer.6

The CDC recommends regular colorectal cancer screenings for people starting at 45 years old.8

Bowel preparations that are easier to complete may help increase the chances of colorectal cancer detection and prevention.6-8



of people complete the majority of CLENPIQ7*

*Majority was defined as <25% of the bowel prep remaining after dosing.7

Patients had positive experiences with CLENPIQ7

CLENPIQ is well tolerated, which allows for a successful prep experience.7

Tolerability was assessed in 901 patients using the Mayo Clinic Bowel Prep Tolerability Questionnaire.7



of people would be willing to take CLENPIQ again.7



felt that the tolerability of CLENPIQ was “easy” or “acceptable.”7

Drink, Hydrate, Repeat9

Hydration is an important part of your bowel prep and you should consume only clear liquids before your colonoscopy.1,9

Night before1

5 to 9 PM

You will take the first bottle of CLENPIQ and drink five 8-ounce (oz) cups of water between 5:00 PM and 9:00 PM the night before your colonoscopy.

Morning of1

5 hours before colonoscopy

You will drink the second bottle of CLENPIQ and four 8-oz cups or more of clear liquids.

Liquids must be finished 2 hours before your colonoscopy or as advised by your doctor.

CLENPIQ Dosing Assistant


Use this tool to create a schedule based on your colonoscopy appointment.

Two-Day Split Dosing

CLENPIQ dosing is split over 2 days. If your doctor has recommended a different schedule, please contact them for details.

You could save on CLENPIQ today

This coupon can be used by commercially insured and cash-paying patients. Eligible patients may pay as little as $50* if they have commercial insurance or can take $40 off the cash price. Terms and conditions apply.

Download Coupon

*Plus applicable sales tax. Subject to eligibility and maximum benefit allowed.

References: 1. CLENPIQ®. Prescribing Information. Parsippany, NJ: Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc; 2023. 2. SUPREP® Bowel Prep Kit. Prescribing Information. Braintree, MA: Braintree Laboratories, Inc; 2020. 3. PLENVU®. Prescribing Information. Bridgewater, NJ: Salix Pharmaceuticals; 2023. 4. SUFLAVETM. Prescribing Information. Braintree, MA: Braintree Laboratories, Inc; 2023. 5. MoviPrep®. Prescribing Information. Bridgewater, NJ: Salix Pharmaceuticals; 2023. 6. American Cancer Society website. Survival Rates for Colorectal Cancer. Accessed November 21, 2024. 7. Hookey L, Bertiger G, Johnson II KL, Ayala J, Seifu Y, Brogadir SP. Efficacy and safety of a ready-to-drink bowel preparation for colonoscopy: a randomized, controlled, non-inferiority trial. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2019;12:1756284819851510. 8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Accessed November 21, 2024. 9. Lichtenstein GR, Cohen LB, Uribarri J. Review article: Bowel preparation for colonoscopy—the importance of adequate hydration. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2007;26(5):633-641.

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